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National Housing Conference 2025 - Save the date: 14 - 16 October 2025

Mark Cridland

Department of Housing Qld

Mark Cridland

Mark Cridland joined the Department of Housing in May 2023. He is a highly experienced senior executive with over 30 years of proven leadership experience in large and complex government and private sector organisations. Mark’s passion and commitment to public service is driven through his view, based on real world experience at the centre of government, that we can play a fundamental role in creating positive influence and outcomes for all Queenslanders.

Prior to this role, Mark was the Director-General in the Department of Resources (2022-2023) and the Associate Director-General of the Cabinet Office in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet (2021-2022). In this role, Mark was responsible for leading policy, intergovernmental relations, cabinet and parliamentary services, and the reform and delivery teams, and for providing high level strategic policy advice to the Premier and Cabinet.  

Mark also held the role of Deputy Director-General (Policy) in the Queensland Department of the Premier and Cabinet (2018-2021), responsible for providing strategic leadership on economic, social, and environment policy and intergovernmental relations. Mark has also held senior roles in the private sector at KPMG Australia and in the senior executive service for the Queensland and New South Wales governments.